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Technical features of the AGV automatic handling system

Author: DANBACH Date: 2019-08-20 source: Internet
Technical features of the AGV automatic handling system
Name: Technical features of the AGV automatic handling system
Introduction: The AGV unmanned car delivers fully automated transport based on the origin and destination of the cargo
Manufacturer: DBH Robot
TEL: 0791-88133135

The AGV unmanned car delivers fully automated transport based on the origin and destination of the cargo, automatically avoiding obstacles and heading to the destination for automated material handling.

The combination of AGV trolley automatic guiding system, automatic loading and unloading system, communication system, safety system and management system to form the automatic guided vehicle system has become the mainstream of logistics transportation in today's flexible manufacturing systems and automated storage systems. It is mainly used for conveying links. It greatly facilitates automated management and improves system flexibility and flexibility as well as production efficiency.

agv handling system

Technical features of the AGV automatic handling system:

1. The AGV is battery-powered and can realize unmanned transportation. The operation path and destination can be controlled by the management program and the mobility is strong. Moreover, the route changes of some guiding methods are very convenient and flexible, and the installation cost is low.

2. The AGV station has high recognition capability and positioning accuracy, and has the ability to work in coordination with various processing equipment. Flexible control of logistics can be achieved under the support of the communication system and the management system.

3. Compared with other equipment commonly used in material transportation, the AGV's active area does not need to be fixed with rails, support frames, etc., and is not subject to site, road and space restrictions.

4. The logistics system composed of AGV is not permanent. Compared with the traditional material conveying system, which is fixed in space and difficult to change, the logistics system is flexible.

5. The advantage of the AGV transmission system in hospitals is that it can transport items weighing more than 400KG. The AGV can be designed according to the needs and is very flexible. It is more common in the industrial sector below 4 tons, but it can also be seen that it can intercept 100 tons of automatic guided vehicles.